In the Catbird Seat

IMG_8543Lots going on in the garden in the past week, as though it’s trying to make up for lost time. The beautiful woodland poppies (Stylophorum diphyllum) are blooming, as are their cousins, the celandines (Chelidonium majus).  If someone offers you a woodland poppy plant, grab it, but if someone offers you a celandine plant (shown below), say “thanks, but no thanks.” The celandines self seed, and while they are pretty, they overdo it!


A red admiral butterfly flew into the garden a few days ago, and I was able to photograph it, though the sunlight was very bright. Only after looking at the photo did I see how tattered his wings were. Red admirals spend the winter in the deep south, so he had flown many, many miles before he came to my garden.


The epimediums are in full flower now. Epimediums are ground covers, and these flowers are quite small.


The bleeding hearts are in full bloom–there is nothing like them.


Seeing the bleeding heart reminded me of a lovely crochet pattern I had seen for a bleeding heart crocheted edging. I tracked it down, and made a sample. I wouldn’t say it was for beginners, but there is a tutorial that shows how to do it. I made the sample, and will be sending away for some white and pink crochet thread to make an edging for a dresser scarf.


IMG_8532You may wonder why this post is called “In the Catbird Seat,” so here is a photo of one of the newest bird inhabitants of our garden–a catbird. He’s kind of amazing looking!


I think this next picture is of a female catbird. (I say “I think” because she certainly wasn’t wearing a name tag, and seems sleeker than the male, but as far as I can tell, she’s the female.)



And here’s an amazing-looking northern flicker, poking through the grass looking for seeds.


The spring rains have been so welcome.


And here is yesterday’s moon. I’m so glad I’m an earthling and not a moonling!

Have a good week! Namaste. Fran