Antique Fun

One booth had drawers full of costume jewelry. It would have taken hours to look at it all.

My sister Janet and I went antiquing last Saturday, stopping by our favorite antique store in Sandwich, Illinois. It’s called the “Olde Timers Antique Centre,” and I have posted about it before, but there’s always something new to see. This store is like an inexhaustible pit of antiques, so I don’t think I’ll repeat myself. I’m making this sound a bit sedate–a routine bit of shopping–but in reality it was an antiquing orgy. We shopped till we almost literally dropped, dazed from almost drowning in antiques. So, in no particular order, I’d like to share some of what we saw.

5704xThis little daisy oil painting looks pretty framed in blue crockery.

5705xI love old sewing baskets. Usually they are empty, but sometimes they are just as the owner left them.

5707xSturdy salt boxes.

5709xA nice old pottery jar.

5710xThis booth had a large trunk full of doilies and other linens. Bargains!

5713xI have a weakness for old tin spice sets like this, but the price helped me walk on by.

5714xLove these old hinged portraits,  with the embossed metal “matting.” My guess is that they are Civil War-era, but I’m not totally sure.

IMG_3010When I got home, I looked at my treasures. Here is a beautiful old dresser scarf, embroidered and then trimmed with hand-crocheted lace.

IMG_3011A closer look. Not sure what type of embroidery this is, but I’ll do some research to find out. My first guess was hardanger, but that is usually white on white.

IMG_3012Couldn’t pass up this turtle soap cover. A must have in every bathroom!

3013xxAlso couldn’t resist these twin samplers. They are falling out of their frames, but when cleaned and re-framed will be lovely.

IMG_3019A (very) old spice jar, and a beautiful old hinged frame ($3!).

IMG_3024Antique trio.

Hope you have enjoyed this little tour! Namaste. Fran
